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Night Life at the University of Utah
Photo Cred: Andrew Hoyt


After perusing the campus, we were very proud of how far the University of Utah has come in the eradication of light pollution on campus. We were also slightly saddened by the fact that more is not being done to help fight against light pollution.  After walking the campus at night we both also felt that there are certain portions that could have more light (PResident's Circle). As women we think that having enough light to feel safe is extremely important, and not every part of the U campus is well lit, mostly because the globe lights shine light upward and not towards the ground. Something else that we noticed is that the parking lots on campus seem to be in transition to dark sky compliant lighting as well as the rest of campus. Half of the parking lots have correct lighting, while the other half doesn't. Hopefully they will be finished soon as well. We were hoping that this website could help educate the general public about how detrimental the effects of light pollution are on an ecosystem, and people would start to make conscience decisions to help stop it. These photos are a very significant part of showing everyone the portions of the U that are highly contributory to light pollution. Both of us feel that we would like to see our tuition money going towards something that makes the campus more sustainable. Whether that is towards eliminating light pollution on campus, or raising awareness about it, or something else entirely, we don't mind. As long as it goes toward something more meaningful, and not to buy the football team new uniforms (no offense to them)! We hope that anyone who reads our website feels educated on the subject and more inclined to join the fight against light pollution at the University of Utah. 


As a part of the University of Utah Honors Praxis Lab, "The Valley as a Laboratory," students Courtney Hoyt and Ashley Ikegami endeavor to educate students, faculty, staff, and citizens of the Salt Lake Valley on the detrimental effects of light pollution in our own backyard and around the globe.

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The ultimate goal is to offer an outlet for citizens to become educated on the subject of light pollution, and to learn how to make tangible changes in their own homes and businesses that will help the fight against light pollution. We hope to make the entire campus here at the University of Utah Night Sky Friendly. Many projects are going on at the U right now that you can learn more about on our Projects page.


There are many reasons as to why light pollution is harmful to the environment. Ranging form our own circadian rhythms to fatal attraction of nocturnally migrating birds, the needs for erradicating the problem are vast. Please visit our Education and Get involved pages to learn how to make a difference in the fight against light pollution.

Get Involved

Please visit to learn more about how the world is attempting to eradicate light pollution. Join the International Dark Sky Association and help us turn the University of Utah campus into a dark sky community! 

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Located in Southern Utah, Natural Bridges National Monument was declared the first "International Dark Sky Park," in 2007. The Park consists of 3 natural bridges and has been given a gold rating, indicating that the full night sky can be viewed from this majestic park. 

Eagle Mountain, a city located in Utah County, recently petitioned to become a Dark Sky Community in 2014. Reasons for implementation is to protect the integrity of the night sky, but also to allow for night vision combat training and night flying at the local military base, Camp Williams.

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